- Marching Broomstick
- TV set Prop
Contracted by Jimbo and Associates, FL to sculpt, fabricate and
finish this prop for an internal Disney commercial.

- Plaster Skeletons
- Movie set props
Contracted by MWA Ltd., UK to produce molds and assist in the
fabrication of prop skeletons. 125 skeletons were required for the Library
basement set on Indiana Jones and
the Last Crusade

- Serpent Skull - movie prop
Contracted by Replica Foods Ltd., UK to design and fabricate two
serpent skulls. These skulls were based on an actual animal skull and
modified to achieve the look of a prehistoric serpent as required by
movie director Ken Russell. This prop is featured in the movie -
Lair of the White Worm

- Animated Bald Eagle - restaurant show piece
Hired by Kinetix, FL. to sculpt a basic Bald Eagle figure and then
feather the entire character from head to tail. The project required
extensive study of this majestic bird of prey and a body sculpt that
would allow for feathering of the finished figure. The character also
included animatronic head and wing motions that were constructed by
Kinetix. This was one of 3 eagle characters that were completed. Each
feather was painstakingly applied by hand to achieve the most realistic
finish possible. Carefully selected Turkey and chicken feathers were
used to simulate the Bald eagle feathering.

- Liberty Head - concept model
Contracted by Universal Creative, FL. to sculpt a model of the Statue
of Liberty head for full scale production reference. This sculpt was
required to have a cartoon-style quality and “disturbed” facial
expression. The finished model was then digitally scanned (by others) and
used to produce a full scale replica for the Spider-man ride at
Universal’s Islands of Adventure

- Escorial Palace - perspective model
Contracted by MWA Ltd. to aid in the construction of this model of the
famous Escorial Palace in Spain. Working with a team of model makers this
model required the execution of exaggerated perspective for the design and
fabrication of the building components. As seen from the front, this
building gives the spectator the illusion of greater depth due to the
exaggerated perspective features of the model. This model was featured at
the Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England and later in Belfast, Ireland in
an exhibition celebrating 400 years of the Spanish Armada.

- Model Gargoyle statue
Contracted by Jimbo & Associates, FL to produce this model Gargoyle
from design sketches. This model would eventually be used to produce full
scale statues for set decoration on the production of Beauty and the Beast
on Ice.